
My Personal Encounter With Jesus Christ

January 02, 2025
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My Personal Encounter With Jesus Christ

Every individual who claimed to have accepted Jesus Christ must have a personal testimony to tell. While many fellow Filipinos go back to that year when People Power took place, I remind myself of that time when I yielded my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Allow me to share what happened during that year. I was invited by my Christian classmate to attend a campus bible study near our school. It was a makeshift place so a number of college students could listen to a charismatic lady speaker who happened to be a schoolmate friend. After her short but clear message she issued a challenge to all of us whether we wanted to give our lives to Jesus Christ. I found myself slowly raising both hands as a sign of surrender to my new Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I have no idea during that time that this is what the Bible calls a born again experience or spiritual rebirth. 

My Religious Upbringing 

I was born into a family who are staunch Roman Catholics. My grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins attend the Holy Mass every weekend. Our house sometimes serves as host for the statues during the Holy Week. My aunt who owns the house where we stayed was a former president of the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) and a former member of the “Brown Sisters” (Our Lady of the Mount Carmel). I am in awe of her unwavering devotion to her patron saint. She nudges us to make it a point to show up for the weekly Holy Mass. So, I made it my thing to always lend an ear to our parish priest. It was during my elementary days that I became familiar with the Holy Bible. This is because my mom enrolled me in a Seventh-day Adventist school in our province that offered quality English education. Of course, later did I learn that this religious group was a cult of Christianity. Back in my early elementary days in the province, I couldn't help but notice this American family who were on a mission—literally—as missionaries of the Foursquare Church. I found myself pondering what sets them apart from us as Roman Catholics. When it was time for me to enter high school, I was fortunate to be accepted in a prominent Roman Catholic school in the University Belt area which was formerly exclusively for boys. It was here that I stumbled upon some less fortunate Christian schoolmates who are part of the evening class.

It was not until my fourth year high school did I met a fully committed Protestant believer. What happened during that religion subject discussion about the role of Mary in Christianity stuck in my mind. He explained gently to everyone, but a number of my staunch Roman Catholic classmates debated with him vigorously during that subject. Since I do not have any interest in spiritual matters, that time I just let the whole thing slide.

Being Born Again Is Not A Religion -- It’s About Relationship and Transformation

But the Lord was not yet done with me. Upon entering my college years I was seated beside a person who was so bold and zealous as a born again believer. While waiting for our chemistry teacher, he started sharing his faith with me. I still vividly recall his words when he seriously shared, “You know Jun, the Bible says ‘Unless a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’” (Jn. 3:3) A bit puzzled, I asked him: “Is that another religion?” His response was quick saying, “No. It’s not. It's relationship with Jesus Christ.” After that talk with Roger, he always invites me to attend a campus Bible study with him. He wasn’t aware that I am carefully observing his life. I noticed that he lives what he preaches. What’s interesting is the guy does not only professed what he believes, but his life is a witness for Christ. He was taunted, provoke, persecuted, and even mocked, but because of his bold spiritual conviction, he manage to stand against anything that would compromise his faith. I witness how he turned down cigarette smoking, alcohol and beer, and premarital sex. I was also amazed how he avoided cheating during minor quizzes and major examinations. One afternoon, I was smoking outside the campus while waiting for my next subject. He approached and told me, “Jun, you can decide to quit smoking for a month or even for a year but that bad habit will surface. However, if you hand over your life to Jesus Christ, He would surely remove that bad habit from your system totally.” His reminder stayed in my mind. One day, in between classes, I finally gave in to his invitation to attend a small group campus bible study conducted near our campus. It was there that I gave my life to Christ. I did not experience any goose bumps, not even a tear drop from my eyes, but I fully sense the assurance of salvation after surrendering my life to Jesus Christ. Many individuals accept Jesus probably because of relational problems, personal bondages, financial difficulties, or physical sickness. I am glad that God spared me from all those things. The primary reason for accepting Jesus Christ was my assurance for salvation -- that when I die I would be with Him. After surrendering my life to Him as my personal Lord and Saviour, transformation slowly and gradually took place.

From Religiosity To Relationship

My personal transformation was not stirring compared to others. I am fortunate to be in a very tightly knit family. I have good family relationships with my two female sibling. My parents showed their love for each other. We were all serious with our studies. Our family went to Holy Mass regularly as part of our religious practice. However, despite my being religious, I still found myself in bondage to sin. When Jesus saved me, He forgave and cleanse me from all sins: past, present, and future. The Lord released me from guilt and condemnation. There was no pressure to transform because I was not given any rules to follow by believers who mentored me. Christianity is unlike religious cult groups who tells you whom to believe as the modern-day messenger. These groups will also mold you to become like them in their thinking, dressing, eating, and even worshipping. I am glad that when the Holy Spirit took residence in my heart I became free. The freedom that I have is not the freedom to sin, but the freedom to honour God in many ways. My external religiosity turned into a living relationship with Him. Thanks to my spiritual mentors who helped me in my spiritual growth. I found myself wanting to know why I believe what I believed. I develop this desire to read and study the Word of God. The different versions of Bible stacked in the old library of my uncle, Dr. Jose Santillan, became the focus of my interest. All of a sudden the Word of God became relevant. I finally discovered from the pages of the Old Testament that God condemns idolatry. I even realize that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that I should take care. There was His divine grace working in me to quit smoking and drinking along with a number of bad habits. I also noticed some changes in my life when I began fellowshipping with God. I had this desire to read His word and commitment to spiritual growth. The tongue that usually cuss now utters praises to my Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I cannot contain the joy that it starts to overflow as I share the gospel with my sibling, relatives, and friends. Some of them came to know the Lord, including a cousin who ended up becoming a pastor. I am very vocal with my being a follower of Christ that my father once promise that he will burn my Bible in front of me. He has always boasted of his father who was a devoted Roman Catholic and continued to stay in that religious tradition. I prayed for my family, including my dad. I trusted the Lord that He will one day soften the heart of my father to receive Him. It was in 2001 that my father discovered he had a cancer in the pancreas. The oncologist gave him a six-month lifespan. But the Lord became so gracious that He gave my father twelve months so I can share the gospel to him. In those few remaining days of his life in the hospital, I had the opportunity to pray for him and read the Scripture just for him to hear it. One day, I asked my father the most important question in the whole world. I said, “Daddy, would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?” He could not speak anymore because his vocal cords were affected by that dreadful disease so I instructed him to press my hand to signify his intention to receive Him which he did. I was delighted that I asked my mom and two sisters to join him in that sinner's prayer. The once persecutor became humble to acknowledge his need of salvation. I have not witness any outward transformation in the life of my dad. But one thing I understand, the peace of God is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that can be experienced by a sincere and dying person after receiving Jesus Christ. 

He Gave Me the Victory! 

I was led by the Lord to grow in Victory U-Belt that puts premium on the life of young people. It is also in that local church that I became active in a ministry and as a small group leader. I understand the importance of discipleship and biblical foundation. I also became serious with purity and holiness as I follow Christ. Christianity became a way of life with Jesus Christ in the center of it all. I became totally committed to honouring God and advancing His kingdom through discipleship. In the span of twelve years after surrendering my life to Jesus Christ, I met Liza in the church who eventually became my wife. I am glad to have met such a lovely and godly lady who is not only committed to the same vision that I have but love the Lord more than anything else. The Lord bless us with two handsome and wonderful sons whom we train up in the fear of the Lord and His word.     

The Lord also gave me the opportunity to work in a prominent airline company. Since airline businesses are operational then I am prepared to stand on my conviction to put God as my priority rather than anything else. There was a time when one of my senior officers at work warned me that it is impossible for me to get a Sunday-off because I am just starting. Since there were no other worship services yet in our church other than Sunday I discussed this very important subject with my wife. I told her that it is my conviction to worship the Lord every Sunday. If that airline company will not give me a Sunday-off, then I might as well resign for the Lord will open up a new and exciting opportunity for me out there to be financially blessed. My wife honored my conviction. But before the Lord led me to that major decision, He gave me wisdom to write a one-page formal letter to my superior asking for favor if she could grant me this request. I included in that letter that I am a Christian believer who serves the Lord actively. I also added that I will truly appreciate if she can give me a Sunday-off so I can fulfill my function as a follower of Jesus Christ. When I handed that letter to her on that day, I was praying that she would allow me which she did. The same senior officer in my work place was literally surprised, asking, "Do you have a 'backer' inside this company?" I told him boldly, "No. My 'backer' is the Lord!" Since then, I was able to worship the Lord every Sunday for the next eight years of my stay in that airline company. I slowly won the respect of my colleagues at work because of my stand and conviction as a follower of Christ inside that company. I also had that rare opportunity to pray for the second high ranking individual in that company. On that final year of my stay, I produce several copies of a one-page letter to be given to my colleagues and superiors, but this time it's a testimony of how I came to know the Lord. During my brief tenure in that department, a significant number of individuals encountered Jesus Christ. 

There are many more trials, testings, and victories that I experienced in my almost three decades of walk and fellowship with the Lord. Presently, the Lord continues to transform me from glory to glory. I could not see my life living without Jesus Christ because my life revolves around Him. I am so involved in the ministry, but my life is not the ministry. I love my wife and my two sons, but my life does not revolve around my family. My life is revolving around Jesus Christ who saved me and gave Himself for me. I also learned to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and fully trusting Him with my future. Truly in Him I live, I move, and I have my being. 

At present, I'm joyfully serving as one of the many pastors in a prominent Christian church in the Philippines, alongside my wife and sons, who are all enthusiastically serving the Lord as volunteers. This is my life today after I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ on my very own road to Damascus.

How about you? Do you have a personal testimony? Tell us about it. 

Receiving Eternal Life 

There are many people around the world today who claim to know God, but pays a lip service only to Him (Matt. 15:8-9). While others tend to neglect the Lord’s offer of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, who died for them on Calvary’s cross (Acts 28:24). When Jesus Christ came to this world He warned His listeners so much about a place of torment where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Lk. 13:28). You and I will die once, then after that we will face His judgment individually (Heb. 9:27). Do not delay in accepting His invitation. Today is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2). The Scripture commands us to seek Him (Isa. 55:6). Once we seek Him, then we will find Him if we seek Him with all our heart (Deut. 4:29). The Lord want’s you to experience abundant life or life to the fullest while you are still living on this earth (Jn. 10:10). He wants you to spend your life with Him forever (Jn. 10:28). Why don’t you believe and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life (Acts 16:31). Once you do this you will surely experience His mercy and forgiveness (Acts 2:38). You will also have that assurance of eternal life and transformation in Him (Jn. 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:17). Remember, it is not your good works that will save you but His grace (Eph. 2:8-9). The Holy Spirit will take care of your transformation (2 Cor. 3:18). The same Holy Spirit will also empower you to become a powerful witness (Acts 1:8). You can follow this prayer that I did when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ (Lk. 18:13). 

Father God. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my rebelliousness. I know that I cannot save myself. I believe that Jesus Christ your Son died for me and rose again from the grave. Today, I open my heart and give you my life. 

Lord Jesus Christ, I receive you into my heart as Lord God and Saviour of my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sake. Thank you for your blood that cleansed me from all my sins.

Holy Spirit, I ask that You empower me to be a mighty witness for Jesus Christ. May you change and transform me daily so I can honor God and advance His kingdom. 

I pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen!

After praying this prayer sincerely in your heart, start a good habit by reading the Bible everyday. Tell others about your new relationship with the Lord. Go to a Christian evangelical church that preaches and teaches sound teaching to honour God in your life. And be committed to growing spiritually in that local church through discipleship.  

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